10 Years….what a ride…

We here at Banished just want to thank all those people who have made these past 10 years possible.

A theatre group is only as strong as the audience who comes to support them – and we’ve had the best people support us and allow us to grow as a group and as individual artists.

From those of you who have supported us from the very beginning by buying tickets, lending furniture and costumes, and letting us borrow your trucks, in addition to all the hard work, writing, acting, directing, and producing original work here in London, Ontario, we have had a blast. And we hope you’ve enjoyed the ride too.

We would also be remiss not to thank all those people who support us in other ways, by letting us get out and stretch our wings as we strive to add our spark to the theatrical fire. Here’s to another 10 years…and another 10 years….and another 10 years….and another 10 years…

Stay connected on updates for our next projects.