Banished By The King Productions Proudly Presents the Inaugural Production as the Theatre Company in Residence at Palace Theatre Arts Commons

Buried in the sands of time, a long forgotten stone carving, the story of the first gathering of humans uncovered, their working together in the very first village, the trials and tribulations of the Paleolithic Age, come and experience our very own…CIVIL DAWN.
Show Dates: April 18-28, 2024
Auditions: October 23, 24, and 29, 2023
Civil Dawn
Director: Patrick Brennan
Producer: Sean Brennan
Performance Dates: April 18-28, 2024
Audition Location: Maryse Leitch Hall at the Palace Theatre, 710 Dundas Street East
Audition Dates: Monday October 23, Tuesday October 24, and Sunday October 29
Audition Times: By appointment between 8pm and 10pm on October 23 and 24. Callbacks if necessary will be October 29 from 2pm to 5pm.
Please email to book a timeslot and/or for a copy of the script.
If you would like to audition but your schedule conflicts, please email to make alternate arrangements.
Audition Information: Please prepare a one minute comedic monologue to demonstrate your range. We encourage all artists who are interested to audition and are committed to providing opportunities for all types of performers.